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China Resources Exhibition Chen Jiabao and many other coating companies have increased prices

As early as March 5, China Resources issued a price adjustment notice. The company said: Due to the rising cost of raw materials, in line with the principle of integrated, shared and sustainable development of the manufacturers, our company expressed the adjustment of the prices of related products. Thereafter, on March 13, Zhanchen Group Furniture Paint Marketing Service Center issued a notice on the adjustment of product sales price, announcing that since April 1st, the product sales price has been raised by more than 5% (more than 10% of some varieties).

Zhanchen said that due to the high-level operation of the main raw materials in the upstream and the continuous increase in prices, many peer companies have recently raised the sales price of their products. Although the exhibition has actively responded to the regulation, the current situation is still beyond the scope of the company.

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